Review – Schlafly Biere de Garde
From The Saint Louis Brewery – A bottle-conditioned, French farmhouse-style ale. The name refers to the beer’s ability to improve with age and if you choose to age this ale, the tart fruitiness from the yeast and the sweet maltiness from the grains will meld together nicely for several years at cellar temperatures. (Available in bottles only).
The Saint Louis Brewery – Schlafly Biere de Garde – 750ml bottle poured into a goblet.
Appearance: Pours a dark orange with a very active, dense offwhite head. Starts out massive, and subsides to an inch. Very cloudy, not a lot of light can get through this one.
Aroma: Dry, pale malts, spicy and herbal hopping, fruity yeast, some spice and citrus zest.
Taste: Starts out with initial hop bitterness, followed by a sugary spicy mixture of malt and yeaast, ending with a dry, moderate hop bitterness.
Mouthfeel: A little on the thick side.
Overall: A very interesting beer, lots of stuff going on in it.