Review – Scaldis Noël
Scaldis Noël aka Bush De Noël brewed by Brasserie Dubuisson Frères sprl. 8.48 oz bottle poured into a New Belgium glass. 12% abv. Purchased at Whole Foods Market Arroyo in Pasadena, CA.
Appearance: Cloudy dark tan body with a 1/4 inch dense ring around the top.
Aroma: Vanilla, caramel, apple, and alcohol.
Taste: Vanilla, booze, spicy hops, tart apple, and green pear.
Mouthfeel: Warm, spicy, and sticky.
Overall: I am happy with the packaging, I’m impressed with the warms and flavors. In snooping around on Google, I have found this beer is, in my opinion, underrated. Known as Scaldis rather than Bush, so that dumb people don’t have market confusion with Anheuser Busch and the oh-so-tasty, and ever delicious Busch Beer.
February 18, 2018 @ 5:26 pm
looking for scaldis glassware