Review – Samuel Adams Double Bock
From Boston Beer Company: Samuel Adams® Double Bock was first brewed 20 years ago as the first of our Samuel Adams® seasonal offerings, and it is now one of our most acclaimed beers. Double Bock became one the first big beers to be brewed here in the US, and we are now happy to offer it year round.
We use an enormous amount of malted barley, half a pound per bottle, to brew this intensely rich lager. Its deep mahogany color and velvet smooth flavor is a testament to the beer’s high quality two-row malted barley.
Due to legal restrictions, the Samuel Adams Imperial Series beers are not offered in the states of Alabama, Idaho, Iowa, Mississippi, Montana, South Carolina and West Virginia.
Boston Beer Co. – Samuel Adams Double Bock – Imperial Series. 12 oz. bottle poured into a pint glass. 9.5% abv. Purchased at Beverages and More, Pasadena, CA.
Appearance: Pours a deep ruby red/dark auburn with a head that quickly vanishes.
Aroma: Caramel, bread crust, banana and vanilla.
Taste: I start with a big mouthful of caramel, then some dark rum, a little banana, and bitter, European hops.
Mouthfeel: Thick, almost chewy.
Overall: Amazingly drinkable, a bit on the sweet side, boozy, but not something you notice half way through a glass.
November 22, 2017 @ 6:28 pm
My favorite beer of all time! BRING IT BOCK! I want my Baby Bock, Baby Bock, Baby Bock, BACK!
April 26, 2009 @ 10:42 am
Double Bock is absolutely the best beer I have ever had. The only problem is it’s hard to find.