Review – Lancaster Hop Hog IPA
Lancaster Hop Hog IPA
7.9% – 8.0% abv
Poured from a 12 ounce bottle into a room temperature pint glass.
Dark, reddish brown in color with pretty good clarity. On top sits a thick, creamy head with large, airy bubbles.
Strong hops but not overdone. Resin smells linger throughout the sweet malts, resulting in a fresh, clean IPA fragrance. Also citrus notes floating around.
This IPA is very balanced and is quite easy to drink. A friend of mine, who doesn’t normally like the IPA style, really enjoys this brew. Strong, bitter hop flavors supersede everything else that is tucked away in this beer.
Somewhat sticky but not as much as you would expect from a high-octane IPA. My mouth tingled from the alcohol and felt tangy from the bitterness of the hops.
I was first introduced to Hop Hog at the Philly Beer Fest in March of this year. Lancaster was by far one of my favorite breweries that attended this year. I immediately went out and bought some Milk Stout, Hop Hog and Strawberry Wheat. I quickly consumed it all before I had a chance to review it so I bought more the other day and made it a point to write down my feelings. I can’t wait to get more!
November 17, 2009 @ 10:57 pm
This is one of Lancaster’s best.