Great Lakes Glockenspiel Weizenbock
From Great Lakes Brewing – Named after the Glockenspiel of Marienplatz in Munich, Germany, which features 43 bells and 32 life-sized figures that chime and re-enact two 16th century stories each day.
Great Lakes Brewing Co. – Glockenspiel Weizenbock – 12 oz. bottle poured into a pint glass. 8% abv. From trade on with Dan from PA!
Appearance: Pours amber with almost no head whatsoever.
Aroma: Fruity yeast, clove,candi sugar,perfume and flowers.
Taste: Caramel,burnt sugar,banana,clove, and peppery hops.
Mouthfeel: Thick and full.
Overall: A great beer. I think it needs a head on it, but that’s getting nit picky.