Review – Fiddler’s Green Brewing Co. India Pale Ale
Fiddler’s Green Brewing Co. India Pale Ale
% abv unknown
Poured from a 12 ounce bottle into a glass beer mug.
Light yellow-gold color with excellent clarity. Creamy, off-white head is perched ¾ inch atop the mug, leaving a hint of lace.
Fresh cut grass and lots of hops. Slightly smells of alcohol with pineynotes.
Very shallow tasting beer. A little tangy but not much bang for your traditional IPA.
Slightly sticky and warm. Very good carbonation leaves an enjoyable tingle on the back of my tongue.
I was not too impressed with this IPA. Although I had high hopes because of my love for this style brew, Fiddler was not up for the challenge. This beer seems to simple and unattractive for a beer snob like myself. I’d rather some more complexity and taste for my money. I also tried getting a hold of the folks at Fiddler’s to ask some questions and wound up talking with Matt Brewing Company (Saranac), who handles their beer on a contract basis. They gave me a number to reach Fiddler’s and it was disconnected with no further information.
July 31, 2008 @ 4:24 am
I see here that you mentioned speaking briefly with the people from Saranac. Have you tried their IPA or their High Peaks Series Imperial IPA? Both are outstanding.