Dogfish Head Fort
Dogfish Head Fort 18% abv
Reviewed by Evan
Poured from a 750 ml champagne bottle into a chilled pint glass.
This “beer” looks more like a thick and rich apple cider. It is very cloudy and did not give up much head retention – maybe a half inch at best.
Pungent alcohol smells. Almost like a solvent or rubbing alcohol. Once you get past that you can smell the fruity blasts of the raspberries, some orange and a bit of apple.
The first gulp was a major surprise. And not a good one. I tasted a tangy, almost sweet and sour flavor that very much reminded me of a sparkling wine. The high alcohol content also reminded me of a screwdriver in some aspects, with the burning aftertaste that vodka can provide.
Slight burning sensation from the alcohol. A bit sticky from the massive amounts of fruits. Again, feels like a champagne going down, which not a pleasant surprise for me.
I have no doubt that this may be a great dinner/dessert type of beer if paired with some rich, chocolate and raspberry pie or cake. However, I was expecting a drinkable glass of beer from one of my favorite breweries and ended up getting one that I may not try again. I finally found a DFH beer that I am not too fond of and it makes me feel sad inside. Sniff sniff.
March 18, 2008 @ 9:21 am
Fort is definitely a strange concoction…my boyfriend and I love to pair it with chocolate covered strawberries, delicious.