Review – Bell's Two Hearted Ale
From Bell’s Brewing: India Pale Ale style well suited for Hemingway-esque trips to the Upper Peninsula. American malts and enormous hop additions give this beer a crisp finish and incredible floral hop aroma.
Appearance: Pours a dark gold with a big fluffy white head. It is very cloudy with visible rising bubbles. The fluffy head never really subsided, and added to the overall appearance.
Aroma: Caramel malt and orange zest right off the bat.
Taste: Grapefruit, pine, brown sugar and lemon. Ends with a bitter spicy hop note.
Mouthfeel: Juicy and astringent. Not really heavy or thick, but not watery by any means.
Overall: For an IPA not made on the west coast, this beer has a great level of citrus aroma and flavor, and has a nice level of malt to compliment it. I look forward to brewing my first extract batch of beer, based off of this recipe.