Review – Barley Creek Angler Black Lager
Barley Creek Angler Black Lager
5.0% abv
Poured from a 12 ounce bottle into a chilled pint glass.
Medium roast coffee color with the slightest shades of burgundy and red. Pretty good clarity with lots of head at over an inch and a half sitting atop the pint glass.
Not much aroma but what I could smell was rather nasty. Small hints of sulfur and wet dog smell consumed my nostrils.
Very nutty and sweet from the loads of malt used. Hints of chocolate linger in the background but never make a strong appearance. This smooth lager was ever so slightly tangy but just didn’t work for me.
Highly carbonated with loads of foam when poured. Surprisingly airy and light is the best way to describe how my mouth felt.
On my honeymoon last fall, my bride and I visited Barley Creek for lunch and to sample their flagship beers. I can remember that all of them were tasty and I felt quite happy when I left their brewpub. However, we bought a case of beer and when we got around to trying it at home it was ruined. Every bottle of the sampler case had gone bad on us. That being said, the folks at BC were nice enough to send us our money back and for that, I have decided to continue to buy their beer. I finally found a nice beer store a few towns over that regularly carry their line and so the Black Lager was my first purchase. Although the Black Lager is not particularly my “cup of tea,” I can’t hardly wait to get back there for another visit this summer. encourages you to write about your favorite beer. Submit your review to us by email, MySpace, or The Full Pint Dot Com Forum.
August 10, 2008 @ 3:16 pm
hi, andar here, i just read your post. i like very much. agree to you, sir.