Review – Anderson Valley Boont ESB
Anderson Valley Boont ESB
6.8% abv
Poured from a 12 ounce bottle into a room temperature pint glass.
Orange and yellow colors intermingle, creating a deep golden color. The off-white two fingers of head create a beautiful head cap to this finely laced brew.
Freshly-baked biscuits and yeasty bread. The smell from the hops was not overpowering but was definitely noticeable.
Very refreshing for a bitter ale with plenty of bitterness too. I found the beginning of each sip (gulp) to be a little sweet, followed by the bitterness. I also tasted fruit and spices.
The beer had a good bite to it, which continued the entire way. The bitterness gave my tongue and the sides of my cheeks a sour, pucker feel like biting into a fresh lemon.
I picked up a couple of bottles of this ESB so I could compare it with Flying Fish’s ESB. They are both great and ESB is quickly becoming one of my favorite styles. In fact, I have just finished brewing my own ESB and I cannot wait to try it. The decent alcohol content was an added bonus and the bottle label was fantastic. I recommend that everyone try to pick up a bottle or six the next time they visit their local brew store.