Prairie Bomb! – Tasting Notes
From Prairie Artisan Ales – Bomb! is an imperial stout aged on espresso beans, chocolate, vanilla beans, and ancho chile peppers. All the flavors meld to create a truly unique beer. The peppers add just the right amount of heat to compliment the intense coffee and chocolate flavors.
Prairie Artisan Ales – Prairie Bomb! – 12 oz. bottle poured into a goblet. 13% abv. Bottled May 7th, no wax.
Appearance: Pours an inky dark brown, nearly black with a fuzzy tan ring.
Aroma: Fresh coffee, dark chocolatey malts, pepper oils/essence, alcohol.
Taste: Dark roasted cold coffee. Burnt malts/char, dark chocolate, vanilla bean, finishes with spicy scrathchy peppers and bitter coffee.
Mouthfeel: Medium bodied. Heat from the peppers. Modest carbonation.
Overall: A very exceptional beer. Deep, complex, highly sippable. If you are put on the spot to recommend a cigar beer, without a blink, say Prairie Bomb!