New Belgium Lips of Faith – Vrienden
From New Belgium and Allagash – Allagash and New Belgium are pleased to offer you our collabeeration brewed with the slightly fruity hibiscus flower, the aromatic Brettanomyces, and the flavor-boosting Lactobacillus.
New Belgium Brewing – New Belgium Lips of Faith Vrienden, a collabeeration between New Belgium and Allagash – 750 ml bottled poured into a goblet. 8.5% abv.
Appearance: Pours a cloudy amber gold with a steady 1/8 inch white cap. Leaves behind spotty lacing.
Aroma: Pineapple, funk and must.
Taste: Funky yet muted brett notes, lemon essence, banana, orange banana juice, subtle sourdough.
Mouthfeel: Modest carbonation, creamy on the palate.
Overall: Exceeded my expectations, was a really enjoyable beer I could drink all day long. Alcohol is really well hidden in this one.