Mission Street 2011 Anniversary Ale
From Steinhaus, makers of Mission Street 2011 Anniversary Ale – This year’s Mission St. Anniversary Ale showcases complex malt flavors with roasty notes layered in and medium hop character. It is a blend of three incredible brews carefully blended for maximum aroma and flavor. We affectionately call this brew an Imperial Brown Ale.
Mission Street 2011 Anniversary Ale (Brewed by Firestone Walker exclusively for Trader Joe’s under the Steinhaus Label) – 22 oz. bottle poured into an Imperial pint glass. 8.5% abv. Purchased at Trader Joe’s Monrovia, CA.
Appearance: Pours a dark brown with a beige head that subsides to swirls.
Aroma: Burnt sugar, sticky buns, roast, molasses, herbal hops and alcohol.
Taste: Burnt toast, caramel, toasted malts, bitter herbal hops, and a bitter black coffee finish.
Mouthfeel: Full bodied, coating with modest carbonation.
Overall: An above average strong ale. Except for the slight alcohol, a very balanced beer. Even though I bought a few to save, I think this beer is ready to enjoy now. At $3.00 a bottle, it makes for a quality beer to get your party started RIGHT.
April 7, 2011 @ 5:24 pm
Man the brown ale is great wish I had bought more its time for a ALERUN