Madhouse Hopburst IPA
From Madhouse Brewing – Hopbursting is a relatively new brewing technique in which the vast majority of hops are added to the kettle late in the boil in order to achieve enhanced extraction of hop components (i.e. Hopbursting gives you tons of hop flavor and aroma!) Our Hopburst IPA has a substantial malt base, balanced with huge additions of our unique hop blend. This creates an incredibly flavorful beer, with smooth bitterness and hoppy goodness.
Madhouse Brewing – Madhouse Hopburst IPA – 22 oz. bottle poured into an imperial pint glass. 7.2% abv.
Appearance: Pours a hazy bright amber with a small soapy swirly head.
Aroma: Tropical fruit, grapefruit, cotton candy. Toast.
Taste: Earthy and sugary malt, earthy hops. Alcohol fairly hidden.
Mouthfeel: Full bodied with low carbonation.
Overall: I would have enjoyed more bitterness and more “hop burst.” If there is a hop pun or the word hop in the name of the beer, it better bring it. This beer was just too sweet and not hoppy enough for my personal liking.