Long Trail Hefeweizen
Long Trail Hefeweizen
5% abv
Poured from a 12 ounce bottle into a chilled pint glass.
Very light golden color with a good deal of cloudiness as expected. Not much head with less than a finger’s worth with very small bubbles.
Yeast and wheat bread. This beer has a lot of aroma characteristics and one could go on smelling for quite some time. I also picked out the citrus smells like lemon and orange.
Spicy and fruity. The crisp wheat flavor is very refreshing and serves as an excellent thirst quencher. The bit of sourness along the way balances out the sweetness from the fruity flavors.
Although there was not much head, the carbonation was almost overwhelming. The airy, light qualities of this beer made it very easy to drink and provided a pleasant bubbly feeling in the mouth.
I usually prefer my wheat beers without a wedge of lemon or orange, even though it might work very well with this beer due to the citrus notes. I like to drink Hefeweizens mostly in the spring and summer because they are so refreshing. However, Long Trail makes this beer all year. If you are in the mood for a not-so-heavy beer after mowing the lawn or doing some gardening, I suggest trying this beer.