Leinenkugel’s Summer Shandy
Leinenkugel’s Summer Shandy
4.2 % abv
Poured into a room temperature pint glass from a 12 ounce bottle.
Appearance: Light and a little bit cloudy. Not an overwhelming amount of bubbles, leaving minimal head.
Aroma: Freshly squeezed citrus smells with a definite emphasis on lemons. Yeast and wheat aromas as well.
Taste:The word delicious really sums up this beer. It was very refreshing and the lemonade was not overpowering in regards to the slight wheat taste. A little tart but also sweet at the same time.
Mouthfeel: A little sugary from the honey, leaving my mouth feeling a bit sticky.
Overall: As someone who is quite hesitant about trying fruit-based beers, I really liked this one. My friend had a few bottles in his fridge the other day and I decided to try one on a hot, sunny afternoon. Leinie’s was able to provide a nice lemonade flavor without compromising on the beer characteristics. The tartness from the lemons was just enough without making the beer sour.
July 22, 2008 @ 10:04 pm
Wow..Shandy..Thats something I haven’t had in a while. Eager to try this. While I lived in England, they sold Shandy in cans, like at every corner store! Over there it was basically sprite(which they call “lemonade”, i know, i didn’t quite understand either) mixed with a tad bit of a lager type beer. Very refreshing indeed, and being able to purchase it as a youngster was pretty awesome indeed…