Lagunitas Lucky #13
From Lagunitas – Our 13th Anniversary Beer in was a Staff Favorite, So We Make it Each Year. BIG on the Amarillo Hops and Rich Dark Malts for a Round and Huge, Smoky Flavor.
Lagunitas Brewing – Lagunitas Lucky #3 Mondo Red Ale – 22 oz. bottle poured into an English Pint – 8.3% abv.
Appearance: Pours a vibrant, clear dark ruby with visible rising carbonation. The head is picture perfect fluffy white suds.
Aroma: Big citrusy hops, spicy malt and ripe red berry.
Taste: Bitter piny hops, grapefruit, spicy malt. Finishes with lingering bitterness.
Mouthfeel: Medium bodied, sticky with moderate carbonation.
Overall: I fell in love with this beer 4-5 years ago. My palate has transformed a bit, my tastes have changed slightly, so it’s good to know I picked a winner that I can still get behind.
August 16, 2010 @ 7:26 pm
This beer is a winner, and a over-all outstanding beer. A must try for any craftbeer over.