Lagunitas Brown Shugga
From Lagunitas Brewing Co. – How Come you Taste So Good?? Boatloads of Pure Brown Sugar in Each Batch, That’s How! The Rich, Roasty and Mysteriously Drinkable Ale might best be described as… Irresponsible. It Leaves a Lot of Stories in it’s Wake.
Lagunitas Brewing – Brown Shugga – 12 oz. bottle poured into a goblet. 9.84% abv.
Appearance: Pours a clear, vibrant amber with a large creamy off-white head.
Aroma: Citrus and pine hops along side candy like malts.
Taste: Bitter hops, burnt caramel and brown sugar. Finishes with a slight citrus/berry twang.
Mouthfeel: Medium bodied and creamy.
Overall: Seems more balanced, less sticky and sugary than years prior. Perhaps this is a very fresh bottle, that or my palate is still changing.