Lagunitas 2009 Correction Ale
From Lagunitas – I think we’re all Bozos on this bus… I mean, really – who would ever have given their money to a guy with a name like “Made-Off?” If one day an oily guy named Soprano showed up at your door wearing a suit that said Countrywide offering free money; who would have taken it? Isn’t ‘free money’ an oxymoron? If it was all too good to be true, it was. Wasn’t the end in sight when ‘Flip This House’ went on television…? In the future 2009 will be in there with 1929, 1941, and 1968. OK, we ALL partied down and, YES, we took some liberties with some of our female guests. But now it’s the day after Mardi Gras when everyone kneels down and prays. Apparently, it really is possible to have too much fun. But it is far better tohave partied and lost than to never have partied at all. Gracefully surrender the things of 2008. Smoke a fag, drink a beer, and buy toothpaste…in that order. Live to party again…
Lagunitas Brewing – 2009 Correction Ale – 22 oz. bottle poured into a pint glass. 6.33% abv.
Appearance: Pours a clear amber gold with an off white creamy head.
Aroma: Orange and grapefruit peel right off the bat. Also some sweet tangerine and pine notes as well.
Taste: Bitter, citrusy, and earthy hop notes. A modest level of crystal malt holds it together.
Mouthfeel: Thick, in that unique Lagunitas thick sorta way.
Overall: Tastey, bitter, citrusy 1.5 IPA. See, the bottle says it is not a Double IPA, just a good American beer. I’ll go with that.
May 4, 2009 @ 8:55 am
Very interesting. I called Lagunitas a few weeks ago when I first heard about this beer. They said it wasn’t in bottle yet. I would interpret that as this as first run (batch). I bought a ton of it.
All my bottles say 7.2%
Does it really matter? Probably not. But this is Lagunitas. I sincerely doubt they would joke about alcohol percentages. They will however joke about EVERYTHING else.
This beer is extremely aromatic but doesn’t really follow through once in the mouth. Aromatics that remind me of the original Hop Stoopid, not the Kill Ugly Radio currently masquerading as Hop Stoopid!
April 16, 2009 @ 9:33 am
If you investigate the picture, the abv on that says 7.2%. The bottle I have in my hand does in fact say 6.33% abv. Maybe it’s a joke, but usually you have to put accurate abvs. by law.