Jolly Pumpkin / Nøgne-Ø / Stone Special Holiday Ale
Packaged by Stone Brewing Co. – Jolly Pumpkin / Nøgne-Ø / Stone Special Holiday Ale – 12 oz. bottle poured into my New Belgium Glass. 9.0% abv.
Appearance: Dark mahogany with a tan 1/4 tight knit head.
Aroma: Fresh cut female holly bush, cinnamon, pine cones, sugar.
Taste: Begins with a hop bitterness, followed by many of the properties mentioned in the aroma. A dark, bitter berry,a touch of raw cranberry, cinnamon, clove. After the ‘holiday experience’ ends, you are left with an assertive bitterness on the middle of your tongue.
Mouthfeel: A fizzy quality associated with Dark Strong Belgian ales. Not thick, not thin, not watery, not syrupy. Some how some of the darker flavors and bitterness lingers.
Overall: A very creative hybrid of a Belgian and a holiday themed Spice/Herb beer. I surely wouldn’t drink more than two of these in a session, not because it is high in alcohol, but because it is something your tastebuds should be fully alrert for. It would be fun to do a tasting with this, an Anchor Christmas, and maybe a vintage of Anderson Valley Winter Solstice. All three really capture my holiday imagination.