Iron Hill The Great Imperial Pumpkin Ale
From Iron Hill – The Great Imperial Pumpkin Ale was brewed with more than 200 pounds of Crookneck pumpkins from Lancaster, PA, as well as pumpkin pie spices, molasses and Belgian candi sugar, giving it a rich flavor and heady aroma, evocative of all things fall.
Iron Hill Brewery – Iron Hill The Great Imperial Pumpkin Ale – 750 ml. bottle poured into a goblet. 9% abv.
Appearance: Pours a dark iced tea brown with a sudsy head. It shrinks down quickly to a swirly film.
Aroma: Pumpkin pie filling, vanilla.
Taste: Candi sugar, toasty malt, candi sugar. Pumpkin pie spices. Nutmeg finish.
Mouthfeel: Syrupy Low carbonation.
Overall: This was a very sweet and strong rendition of the pumpkin ale. Far sweeter than say Pumking. This would be best served in tasters amongst a group of other beer enjoying folks rather than an entire goblet. This might be one of the few pumpkin ales you could possibly lay down. The alcohol is pretty hidden, but it’s a big thick malty beer that could probably go for a while.