He’Brew Jewbelation Bar Mitzvah Thirteenth Anniversary Ale
From Shmaltz Brewing – 13 Malts: Specialty 2-Row; Canada Munich; Caramunich 40; Chocolate; Crystal Rye; Dark Crystal; Flaked Spelt; Flaked Oats; Kiln Amber; Pilsner; Rye Ale; Vienna; Wheat 13 Hops, 13 Additions: Ahtanium; Amarillo; Apollo; Cascade; Centennial; Columbus; Crystal; Fuggle; Golding; Palisade; Simcoe; Tettnang; Willamette.
Shmaltz Brewing – He’Brew Jewbelation Bar Mitzvah Thirteenth Anniversary Ale – 22 oz. bottle poured into a goblet. 13% abv. Purchased at Whole Foods Market Arroyo Pasadena,CA.
Appearance: Pours a coffee black with no head.
Aroma: Toffee, caramel, sweet roast, coffee and chocolate.
Taste: Caramel, coffee, vanilla, burnt malt and a spicy hop note in the finish.
Mouthfeel: Thick and medium to high carbonation.
Overall: This beer seemed very balanced for such a monster as opposed to what came out for last years Jewbelation. It straddles hearty and decadent. I have had samples of 10, 11, and 12, and I can say this with confidence, the beer ages well. Pick up a few,at $5-7.00 a bottle, it is well worth the investment.