Hangar 24 Double IPA
From Hangar 24 – You want hops? You got it! This beer is brewed with an insane amount of four different American style hops: Columbus, Amarillo, Simcoe and Citra. The aroma of fresh hops practically spills out of the glass. Flavors of citrus, pine, tropical fruits and grapefruit dominate. There is a balancing sweetness to the hop bitterness that comes from a generous addition of locally produced honey. This beer is dangerously drinkable for its potency, so be careful.
Hangar 24 Craft Brewery – Hangar 24 Double IPA – On tap at 38 Degrees in Alhambra, CA. Poured in a goblet. 8.75% abv.
Appearance: Pours a deep amber with minimal suds atop. Leaves spotty lacing behind.
Aroma: Big citrus and pine aroma, some sweet malt as well.
Taste: Big abrasive pine, grapefruit, sticky sweet and spicy malt. Finishes bitter with a slight grainy after taste.
Mouthfeel: Sticky, medium bodied, average carbonation.
Overall: Above average double IPA. For me, it was a bit too earthy, points for not being too sugary.