Hangar 24 California Spring Beer
From Hangar 24 – Spring! A time of renewal. Renew your taste buds with our “California style” Spring Beer, a unique fusion of a hoppy wheat beer brewed with a blended fermentation of Belgian and American yeast. Pours a hazy gold with a thick, white head. Floral hop aromas abound, complemented by the taste of tangy wheat and spicy Belgian yeast notes with a bitter, slightly sweet, bready finish. Additional Information: For our first Seasonal 4-pack, we decided to create something one of a kind. This beer was fermented in two separate batches, one using a traditional American Ale yeast and the other using a Belgian Wit yeast. The two finished beers were then blended to create an extra layer of complexity and flavor. We also used two new hop varieties: Bravo & Calypso. These hops add a wonderful tropical fruit and pear character to our CSB.
Hangar 24 Craft Brewery – Hangar 24 Seasonal: California Spring Beer – 12 oz. bottle poured into a goblet. 5.2%
Appearance: Pours a cloudy amber gold with a thin white film.
Aroma: Orange, spicy belgian yeast, herbal hop.
Taste: Spicy hops, dry malt spicy belgian yeast. Finishes clean yeasty and bitter.
Mouthfeel: On the thin side, lively carbonation.
Overall: Fresh, easy to drink, refreshing, and with tons of character for the low abv.