Grand Teton Tail Waggin’ Double White Ale
From Grand Teton Brewing – Tail Waggin’ Double White Ale is brewed in the Belgian tradition, using malted barley, wheat malt, candi sugar and a unique touch— unmalted rye. Noble-type hops are used for bittering, with spices added in the whirlpool. GTBC followed the Belgian tradition of using bitter orange peel and coriander, then added a bit of lemongrass to make their wit something special. Finally, they fermented the beer with a Belgian witbier yeast strain that adds its own complexity with spicy phenols and fruity esters.
Grand Teton Brewing – Grand Teton Tail Waggin’ Double White Ale – 750 ml bottle poured into a goblet.
Appearance: Pours a cloudy florescent yellow with a creamy tight knit 1/8 inch head.
Aroma: Very spicy and yeasty with a touch of banana.
Taste: Spicy yeast, banana, vanilla, toasty wheat, bread crust. The hops are very subtle in this.
Mouthfeel: Creamy and full bodied.
Overall: This has never been my style, but pretty balanced and drinkable.