Grand Teton Lost Continent Double IPA
From Grand Teton: Lost Continent Double IPA has an astonishing three pounds of hops per barrel in the kettle and another pound per barrel of “dry-hops” added after fermentation, bringing this beer to 90+ IBUs. Starting with an original gravity of 22˚ Plato (1.088 SG), this is a full-bodied beer weighing in at 8.0% ABV. The hops provide citrusy, resinous spiciness, making this beer a great match for any bold food. Try it with prime rib, Cajun blackened pork or chicken, Thai, Indian or Vietnamese cuisine.
Appearance: Pours a cloudy amber orange with visible rising carbonation and some minute yeast particles flying around. The head starts off a creamy off-white that subsides to a mere frothy gathering.
Aroma: Orange and grapefruit zest, and a bit of caramel flan and resiny pine.
Taste: Sweet caramel-like malts followed by a burst of fruit flavors such as orange, pineapple and mango. Finishes ever so slightly bitter and piny.
Mouthfeel: Creamy and sticky.
Overall: A really top quality Double IPA. Kind of resembles one of my local favorites, Hop 15 by Port Brewing.