Goose Island Summertime
From Goose Island – Kolsch, the clean and refreshing beer style of Cologne, Germany, quenches summertime thirst. This pale golden ale with a lightly fruity aroma is cold-conditioned or lagered after its primary fermentation. More simply, our Summertime uses only the finest malts and German hops to create the perfect beer for hot Summer days and warm Summer nights.
Goose Island Brewing (AB InBev) – Goose Island Summertime – 12 oz. bottle poured into a pint glass. 5% abv.
Appearance: Pours a semi-hazy yellow gold with a thick foamy white head that subsides to a thin cap of white.
Aroma: Biscuit like malt, perfumy yeast, almost Belgian like. A little bit of unbaked pizza dough as well.
Taste: Dry biscuity malt, mild hop spice, finishes with a sour twang. Not in an off flavor way, more like a light lager.
Mouthfeel: Medium bodied, active carbonation.
Overall: No better or worse than the other big brand summer beers. Very drinkable.