Flying Dog Wild Dog Coffee Stout
From Flying Dog – Ditch the yuppies with their overpriced lattes and pour yourself a pint of our robust coffee stout. Brewed with a secret roast from The Black Dog Coffee Company, it’s the perfect balance of nutty coffee flavors and chocolate malt notes. Perfect morning, noon and night, this stout’s velvety taste will make it hard to ever return to your favorite acne-prone barista. (He’ll live)
Flying Dog Brewery – Flying Dog Wild Dog Coffee Stout Batch 2 – 12 oz. bottle poured into an Imperial pint glass. 8.9% abv.
Appearance: Pours a dark brown with a creamy gathering of tan froth atop.
Aroma: Coffee liqueur and black coffee.
Taste: Dry roast, black coffee, vanilla with a hop spice finish.
Mouthfeel: Spicy prickly fizz at first, as it warms up, it becomes creamy.
Overall: One of the better coffee beers I’ve had. No stale grinds to be found. The alcohol was also well hidden.