Flying Dog Imperial IPA – Single Hop El Dorado
From Flying Dog – El Dorado. The Golden One. The ultimate prize legions spend their lives seeking. Only a few acres of El Dorado hops were harvested this year. When our brewers came across this small bountry, they knew the search was over. With overwhelming citrus aroma, sharp hop bitterness, and a crisp, dry finish, our Single Hop Imperial IPA is your chance to enjoy the prize.
Flying Dog Brewery – Flying Dog Imperial IPA – Single Hop El Dorado – Poured into a goblet. 10% abv.
Appearance: Pours a bright hazy amber gold with a reapctible cap of tan suds a top.
Aroma: Modest resinous pine grapefruit nose and a touch skunky.
Taste: Bitter agressive hops, alcohol, spicy crystal malt. Some grapefruit as well but not all that sweet.
Mouthfeel: Very dry bubbles, average carbonation, pretty thin for an imperial.
Overall: I’m not ruling on whether or not I like the El Dorado hop based on this beer. It seemed very alcoholic and a bit thin from what I’m used to in an Imperial IPA. Cool kids love a dry Imperial IPA, but this beer needed a little bit of sweetness for my tastes.
June 13, 2012 @ 11:20 am
Gotta say I disagree, but I’ve only had it very fresh on tap. There was a certain sweetness that seemed all hop and no malt when I tried it, but I have to add that it REALLY shines on cask.