Firestone Walker XV
From Firestone Walker – Allow it to warm to 55F to fully enjoy the pleasing and complex aromas. As the beer sits and breathes in the glass, a richer, orange zested, chocolate dusted, vanilla custard character is reveled, so take your time. If you wait to open your bottle later, store it in a cool dark place. I suspect that this beer will age well and change favorably for years to come. It was an absolute pleasure in the making and I truly hope you enjoy our Sixth oak-aged blend! Our journey continues and it’s just as fun and exciting now as it was back in 1996.
Firestone Walker – Firestone Walker XV – 22 oz. bottle poured into a goblet. 12.5% abv.
Appearance: Pours a dark brown. Not much head, off white edges and white swirls.
Aroma: Bourbon first and foremost. Red apple, oak, creme brulee, marishino cherry, milk chocolate.
Taste: Bourbon, chocolate, wood, spicy hops. Cinnamon raisin toast.
Mouthfeel: Full bodied, warming, modest carbonation.
Overall: Delicious, strong, warming. Maybe my palate is getting old, but this beer is ready to drink now.