Firestone Walker Unfiltered Double Barrel Ale
From TFP: I was able to enjoy this beer at the Firestone Walker 13th Anniversary Celebration this year. This beer was on cask, which lends a different texture and aroma as opposed to its carbonated tap counterpart. You can usually find this on tap at the brewery in Paso Robles, CA, or at their Tap Room in Buellton, CA.
Firestone Walker Brewing – Unfiltered Double Barrel Ale – 6 oz. taster glass on cask handpump. 5.0% abv.
Appearance: Pours a cloudy amber with a creamy, dense cream colored head.
Aroma: Dry malts with a real musty rain water smell, or rain hitting dirt.
Taste: Bitter, earthy hops,d ry malt and a small fruity finish.
Mouthfeel: Smooth, creamy, almost watery.
Overall: Easy to drink, remarkably fresh, but not my favorite