Firestone Walker Solace
From Firestone Walker – While Solace is somewhat devoid of style, Brewmaster Matt Brynildson said it will be a sort of unfiltered fusion of a Hefeweizen and a Belgian Saison. Subtle hints of banana and clove aroma will merge with sweet fruit flavor, a medium body and tangy finish. This combination will result in drinkable spring/summer beer with about 6% alcohol by volume.
Firestone Walker Brewing – Firestone Walker Solace – 12 oz. bottle poured into an imperial pint glass. 4.8% abv.
Appearance: Pours a cloudy murky yellow gold with a subsiding white head.
Aroma: Light banana, big cloves and sturdy bread notes.
Taste: Bready yeasty goodness, banana and vanilla finishing with a small but noticeable hop bitterness.
Mouthfeel: Thick and fizzy and tingly.
Overall: A very spicy wheat ale. It has never been my style, but I can appreciate a well made one. This one is definitely well made, and not lacking in the flavor department.
June 2, 2010 @ 11:38 pm
a great summer ale to drink while BBQin some tri-tip!!!!