Firestone Walker Easy Jack
From Firestone Walker – Brewmaster Matt Brynildson went to the mountain and returned with a vision for a different kind of Session IPA, one that would be brewed and dry hopped with a globetrotting selection of new hop varieties from Europe, New Zealand and North America. He foresaw a beer that would deliver massive hop aromas, a signature malt balance and an empty glass before you knew what hit you. And so the newest member of our Jack IPA family was born.
Firestone Walker Brewing – Firestone Walker Easy Jack IPA – 12 oz. bottle poured into a pint glass. 4.5% abv.
Appearance: Pours a dull yellow gold. Sparse rising bubbles and a quickly subsided white cap.
Aroma: Tangerine and grapefruit essence. Grassy hops.
Taste: Tangerine, light malt, minerals and that FSW house yeast. Finishes with a quick hop bite.
Mouthfeel: On the thin side of medium bodied. Crisp. Moderate carbonation.
Overall: One of the best Session IPAs currently on the market. Definitely not a one dimensional beer, it had some body, tons of flavor and great IPA like aroma. Not sure if I like this beer or fresh Pale 31 better, perhaps that’s like picking your favorite child.