Double Bastard Ale 2006 (4 Years Later)
From Stone Brewing – This is a lacerative muther of a beer. The evil big brother of Arrogant Bastard Ale. It is strongly suggested you stay far, far away from this beer. Those foolish enough to venture close enough to taste will experience a punishingly unforgiving assault on the palate. ’Course there’s always the masochists…
Stone Brewing Co. – Double Bastard Ale Vintage 2006 Enjoyed in October 2010. 22 oz. bottle poured into a goblet. 10 % abv. Purchased at Stone Company Store Escondido, CA.
Appearance: Pours a vibrant rust color with a creamy tan cap of foam atop.
Aroma: Brown sugar, herbal hops, dried dark fruit and powdered sugar.
Taste: Burnt sugar, bitter astringent hops, apple, a dusting of cocoa powder. It has many similarities to a good hoppy old ale at this point.
Mouthfeel: Still sticky, but has thinned out significantly. Modest carbonation.
Overall: This beer remains very bastardly over the years. While some of the alcohol warmth and hop bite aggression has melded, it’s still an over the top, very bitter, very malty beer.