Dogfish Head 120 Minute IPA
From Dogfish Head -T oo extreme to be called beer? Brewed to a colossal 45-degree plato, boiled for a full 2 hours while being continuously hopped with high-alpha American hops, then dry-hopped daily in the fermenter for a month & aged for another month on whole-leaf hops!!! Our 120 Minute I.P.A. is by far the biggest I.P.A. ever brewed! Between 15-20% abv and 120 ibus you can see why we call this beer THE HOLY GRAIL for hopheads!
Dogfish Head – Dogfish Head 120 Minute IPA (First batch of 2011) – On tap at 38 Degrees Alehouse Alhambra, CA. Poured into a large snifter. ~18% abv.
Appearance: Pours a vibrant copper with a soapy oily layer of film. Leaves behind spotty lacing.
Aroma: Orange creamsicle, alcohol right off the bat. Honey, tangerine and grapefruit as well.
Taste: Table sugar, alcohol, candied grapefruit and orange. For me, there is very little hop bitterness, but I do taste the oils and essence of the hops themselves.
Mouthfeel: Thick and syrupy with modest carbonation.
Overall: I only get to enjoy this beer every so many years, and this was my first experience having this on tap. It is just as massive as I remember it. There is no denying this guy has tons of sugar, but that’s the nature of a near 20% beer. People need to look past the term IPA on this beer, pour a half a bottle, and sip on it, enjoying it for what it is, and not what it isn’t. The beer is dreamy.
August 4, 2011 @ 8:02 am
where else can we get it in cali?