Deschutes Hop Trip
From Deschutes – While the trip to gather the hops is relatively short, the beer that ensues is big and bold. Each year, when the bounty of hops has ripened on the vine on the west side of Oregon’s Cascade Mountains, a team from Deschutes Brewery travels over for the hop harvest. They pick ‘em, bag ‘em, load ‘em and hightail it home to immediately dump these freshly harvested aromatic jewels into the brew kettles to create the masterpiece that is Hop Trip. The results of this hurried journey? A pale ale with a uniquely bright citrus punch to the nose. Worth the trip, every time.
Deschutes Brewery – Deschutes Hop Trip – 12 oz.bottle poured into a pint glass. 5.5% abv.
Appearance: Pours copper with a modest white cap. Fairly clear body.
Aroma: Caramel malt, fruity esters, floral hops and piney hops.
Taste: Caramel malt at the forefront, piny grapefruit like hops. Quick hop finish.
Mouthfeel: Full bodied juicy. Modest carbonation.
Overall: This is a revisit as I have had this plenty of times over the years. Pretty malty for my liking but very drinkable. I found drinking it from the bottle made it taste hoppier than when pouring it into the glass.