DC Brau The Corruption
From DC Brau Brewing – The Corruption is our take on an India Pale Ale (IPA). We will corrupt your palate with dangerously drinkable malts as well as assertive piney and citrusey hop aromatics, letting some alcohol and sugars sneak through. The crimson copper color coupled with with a nose, filled with plenty of citrus fruits can’t help but bring you down to our level. This is one shady deal that you won’t be able to pass up!
DC Brau Brewing – DC Brau The Corruption – 12 oz. can poured into a pint glass. 6.5% abv. Thanks to James B, Reviewed by TFP Alum Mike.
Appearance: Cloudy, amber, thick white head, lots of floaties, reminds me of those “orbitz” drinks from back in the day.
Smell: Awesome! Hoppy, floral, hints of yeast, toast
Taste: Excellent, Slight bitterness, small malt note, very floral, hops are slam dancing on my taste buds, very tasty
Mouthfeel: On the thicker side, full bodied, good carbonation level, just a bit of hop oils stick around, nice
Overall: I would definitely give this a couple more runs through the mill, it was everything a really good I.P.A. should be, and it came in a can, good beer!
October 9, 2012 @ 12:52 pm
I think it’s also a single-hop IPA, Columbus IIRC. You should try the Public, it’s my favorite of theirs.