Cigar City José Martí American Porter
From Cigar City – An aggressively hopped robust porter named for the Cuban national hero who also spent a significant amount of time in Tampa and gained prominence in Latin American literature from the poetry, essays, and publications he contributed to in his lifetime.
Cigar City Brewing – Cigar City José Martí – 12 oz. bottle poured into a pint glass. 8% abv. From Online Trade.
Appearance: Pours a midnight brown with an active, frothy cap of tan foam. Leaves behind a good amount of spotty lacing.
Aroma: Roasted malt, a mixture of herbal hops and semi-sweet chocolate.
Taste: Dry, overly roasted malt,dark chocolate, spicy herbal hops and ash. Finishes with lingering roast and bitterness.
Mouthfeel: Medium bodied with lively moderate carbonation.
Overall: An exceptional porter. Roasty, chocolaty, hoppy.