Captain Lawrence Cuvee de Castleton
From Captain Lawrence – This is a beer that will make you rethink your definition of beer. It doesn’t taste like any beer you’ve ever had, yet it doesn’t taste like anything else either. Pushing the limits of brewing is what makes this job so much fun. Malted barley, wild yeast, hand picked Muscat Grapes, and French oak wine barrels are just a few of the things that went into crafting this beer. Breathe deep, take a long sip, and enjoy the creation in your hand.
Captain Lawrence Brewing – Captain Lawrence Cuvee de Castleton (Batch 5) – 750 ml. bottle poured into a goblet. 6% abv. Thanks Bobby.
Appearance: Pours a hazy pastel yellow with no head.
Aroma: Lemon,wood,funk, grandma perfume.
Taste: Lemon heads, metallic, funk.Finishes with pleasant tartness.
Mouthfeel: A tad chalky,medium bodied. Low carbonation.
Overall: Fantastic. Smells and tastes great. This was a more recent batch, and I’m now curious to see how this ages.