BrewDog Cambridge Stone Juxtaposition Black Pilsner
BrewDog Cabridge Stone Juxtaposition Black Pilsner – 12 oz. bottle poured into a pint glass. 10% abv. Purchased at Whole Foods Market Arroyo – Pasadena, CA.
Appearance: Pours a black with a slight brownish hue at the bottom of my glass. Well after the pour, a tight knit 1/4 inch tan head sits atop. After sipping some down, I notice lots of webby lacing.
Aroma: A blend of citrus and herbal hop aroma. A little bit of liquid medicine in there. Something similar to Stone 11th/SSR Ale is going on, and I think its the dark malts and the hop bill.
Taste: Burnt malt, roasted malt, dark chocolate, earthy hops, bitter hops. The finish is very roasty and bitter.
Mouthfeel: Silky, creamy, and moderately fizzy.
Overall: I had a two year old bottle of Stone 11th Anniversary yesterday. I found similar qualities between the aged 11th and this beer. There are enough differences, but there are noticeable similarities. The beer is impressive, complex, and looks beautiful in a pint glass. I will say this, the 10% alcohol is well hidden on the palate, so be careful.