Big Boss High Roller IPA
From Big Boss HIGH ROLLER AMERICAN-STYLE IPA is brewed with whole Northwest hops and balanced with pale and caramel malts. We add hops to this beer three times to build a deep, complex hop profile. This is our example of a unique American twist on a British classic. – High Roller American Style IPA is brewed with whole Northwest hops and balanced with pale and caramel malts. We add hops to this beer three times to build a deep, complex hop profile. This is our example of a unique American twist on a British classic.
Big Boss Brewing – Big Boss High Roller IPA – 12 oz. bottle poured into a pint glass. 6.75% abv.
Appearance: Pours a very clear amber gold with visibile rising bubbles in the body. A pin stripe of white goes around the top.
Aroma: A bouquet of piney, grassy and perfume hop oil off the bat. Sweet malt and fruitiness.
Taste: A sandwich of agressive resinous hops, sweet and biscuity malt and fruit cocktail in the middle, with a long sturdy bitter finish. Maybe some rye malt as well?
Mouthfeel: Full bodied, medium peppery carbonation.
Overall: Solid and beautifully bitter. Not my kind of IPA, but still satisfying as it is.