Bell’s Oarsman Ale
From Bells – Designed as a flavorful session beer, Oarsman Ale uses a classic German brewing technique to impart a light, refreshing tartness. Oarsman Ale grew out of a desire to explore the tradition of session beers, trading intensity for finesse while still creating a worthwhile experience for the taster.
Bell’s Brewery – Bell’s Oarsman Ale – 12 oz. bottle poured into a goblet. 4% abv. From online trade.
Appearance: Pours a yellow gold with a thin white ring of foam.
Aroma: Husky grain, straw perhaps.
Taste: Tangy wheat, husky grain.
Mouthfeel: Thin with modest level of carbonation.
Overall: It’s pretty much what it’s advertising, although I would have liked it to be more tart with a fuller body.