Bear Republic Black Racer IPA
From Bear Republic – Black Racer™ is an aggressively hopped ale brewed to a style pioneered in the Pacific Northwest known as Cascadian IPA or Black IPA. Hoppy and dark, with low roastiness.
Bear Republic Brewing – Bear Republic Black Racer IPA – 22 oz. bottle poured into an Imperial Pint glass. 8.1% abv.
Appearance: Pours near black with a beige frothy cap of head.
Aroma: Light roasted dark malt and a bit of citrusy dry hops.
Taste: Candied orange followed by piny hop bitterness. A little bit of roast on the back end. Finishes with medium duration.
Mouthfeel: Unusalky silky. Black patent malt or oats maybe? Active, almost creamy carbonation.
Overall: Typically, my benchmark for Black IPAs is Stone SSR or Deschutes Hop in The Dark. This beer is nothing like either, but more importantly it’s better than the other 97% of the Black IPAs on the market. Great flavor profile with minimal roast, and a remarkable mouthfeel. Could be more dank in the nose, but still a great balanced hoppy black ale.
April 2, 2013 @ 4:13 pm
That’s because Wookie Jack is a rye IPA……dummies!!
March 31, 2013 @ 2:11 pm
Wookey Jack blows this guy outta the water. Best black IPA I have ever had.
March 30, 2013 @ 4:31 pm
It doesn’t hold a candle light next to Wookey Jack by Firestone Walker!