Anchor Saison
From Anchor Brewing – Saisons originated with the rustic farmhouse ales of Wallonia, a mostly French-speaking region of Belgium. Bière de saison was brewed during the saison froide (cold season) for consumption during the warmer months. Today saisons are made and enjoyed year-round. Anchor Saison Spring Ale (7.2% ABV) is a traditional Belgian-style saison with a California twist. The distinctiveness of roasted Belgian wheat malt is enhanced by the peppery, clove-like flavors of a locally cultured saison-style yeast. And, for this release, Anchor chose three California ingredients—lemongrass, lemon peel, and ginger—whose synergy adds a tangy crispness and herbal spiciness to this sharply refreshing, uniquely Californian saison.
Anchor Brewing – Anchor Saison – 12 oz. bottle poured into a goblet. 7.2% abv.
Appearance: Pours amber with a sudsy head that subsides to nothing.
Aroma: Fruit and fresh cut flowers. A similar spicy malty mix as Anchor Xmas.
Taste: Fruity spicy yeast, ginger, euro hops, white pepper.
Mouthfeel: Full bodied with modest prickly carbonation.
Overall: At face value, you this is a solid beer, really nothing not to like about it. As far as Saisons go, this was played way too safe. Not very rustic, not lively enough, and tasted awfully similar to Anchor’s other offerings.