Anchor Bock Beer
From Anchor Brewing – Anchor Bock Beer, released in celebration of the coming of spring, is an ancient and mysterious part of the brewing tradition. Over time, the term “bock” has come to mean a beer darker and stronger than the brewery’s “regular” brew. We hope you will find Anchor Bock to be a rich and flavorful addition to our other offerings.
Anchor Brewing – Anchor Bock Beer – 12 oz. bottle poured into a goblet. 5.5% abv. Purchased at The Bruery Provisions Orange, CA
Appearance: Pours a deep dark brown with a think creamy beige cap atop.
Aroma: Very similar spices and dark fruits I find in Anchor OSA. Magical. Caramelized figs.
Taste: Caramelized dark fruit, cardamom, dark chocolate, pumpernickel. Finishes with burnt sugar and a berry twang.
Mouthfeel: Full bodied, modest carbonation.
Overall: A masterpiece of a beer. Fruity like the Anchor Porter and OSA, but still unique to the other two.