Now Shipping – Stone 08.08.08 Vertical Epic Ale
To continue on with the Stone Vertical Epic Ale series, Stone begins shipping Stone 08.08.08 Vertical Epic Ale. This tradition started with Stone 02.02.02 Vertical Epic Ale, and will reach its climax on or after 12.12.12. is personally excited to try this ale as soon as it is in our reach, as well as trying it on tap for the Stone 12th Anniversary Celebration and Invitational Beer Festival August 16th! Click here to read a review on Stone 07.07.07 Vertical Epic Ale.
Here is a description of this years offering, from The Stone 08.08.08 Vertical Epic Ale is a Strong Golden Belgian style ale highly hopped with American hops (Ahtanum, Amarillo and Simcoe). The beer pours pale golden with a thick and creamy white head of foam. The aroma is full of depth: nuances of pepper, clove, and banana from the Belgian yeast strain, and the resiny citrus notes from the American hops blend together nicely to provide a complex aromatic character. The taste is spicy, hoppy and fruity, with a very dry and a pleasant bitter end. The bitterness lingers nicely, and provides a refreshing finish that leads you to want to drink more and more of this beer!
Here is the label, courtesy of