Nectar Ales Black Xantus Make’s its Return for 2010
From Firestone Walker’s Facebook Page. For those who haven’t tried Nectar Ales Black Xantus, it’s a coffee imperial stout done right. No stale coffee notes, which bugs the crap out of me. We will hopefully be able to share with you how limited this batch is. – Cheers, TFP
Friday, September 28, 2010 at 12:00pm at The Brewery in Paso Robles
Black Xantus is back and with a new and improved recipe. Come enjoy $3 snifters of our Imperial Russian Stout. It will also be for sale at the brewery, one of the few places on the central coast to find it. This release on Black Xantus will be very limited so get it while supplies last!
Double Jack bottles will be released this Friday, October 1st.
September 28, 2010 @ 9:13 pm
Pretty sure this batch of double Jack will not be bottled.
September 28, 2010 @ 9:15 pm
You are correct. Thanks for mentioning that Kyle.