Jackie O’s – 2011 Bottle Release Fest Schedule (Tentative)
Jackie O’s Pub and Brewery outlines their special bottle release festivals planned for 2011. Check back often at The Full Pint for exact release festival dates and times.
These events will feature a bottle release/fest to be held at the brewpub. The fest themes and brews are all subject to change, but I fully intend to pull off all of these as I have stated below. Each brew will range from 16 to 30 cases. The usual 3 bottle limit will be effective for each release and each beer. All events will be held on a Saturday with the exception of the Extravaganza which features a tap take over on Friday and the bottle sale on Saturday. Numbers will be placed outside at 7am that morning. The bottle sales will start at 11am with a second sale starting an hour after the first has concluded. We will open the brewery side at 2pm to unleash an additional 18 taps of great brews (20 taps on the public house side). Firm dates will appear a month before the festival.
February: Stout/ big beer fest
Vanilla Bean Rum Barrel Dark Apparition
Kopi Luwak Bourbon Barrel Dark Apparition
Quincedence (Cabernet Barrel Aged Scottish with quince fruit and natural mico flora)April: One Funky Afternoon (all jackie O’s sours ~18)
Brown Reclouse (Barrel aged sour brown with maple syrup)
Cab Cherryman (cabernet barrel aged sour porter with Cherries)
Grand Wazoo (Bourbon Barrel aged strong dark sour with raspberries)
Orange Oak (barrel aged India Pale wheat with clementines and brett)June: Hop Fest
Bourbon Barrel Dark Apparition
Brandy Barrel Dark Apparition
Bourbon Barrel Sweet Chocolate Love
Kentucky Monk (triple aged in bourbon barrels)August: Barrel Aged Beer Fest
Rum Barrel Oil Of Aphrodite
Brandy Barrel SuperFly (imperial amber aged in brandy barrels)
Slim Pickens (Barrel aged sour Brown with Sour plums)
Dynamo Hum (barrel aged Framboise)October: Experimental
Middle Of No Where Stout (Imperial oatmeal stout with honey and maple syrup)
Barrel aged MONW (type of barrel to be determined)
Barrel aged Quad (type of barrel to be determined)
Cabernet Black Betty (Imperial raspberry vanilla porter aged in cabernet barrels)December: Extravaganza (38 Jackie O’s brews)
Chunga’s Old Bruin (Barrel aged sour brown with cherries)
Wood Ya Honey (bourbon barrel aged honey wheat wine)
Cherry Wood Ya Honey (Bourbon barrel aged honey wheat wine with cherries)
Thorogood (bourbon barrel aged strong scotch ale)
Joe The Plum (thorogood with plums)
Rum Barrel DA (Dark Apparition aged in rum barrels)
Rum Barrel Oil Of Aphrodite