Drakes Announces Bottling of Alpha Session
Drake’s Alpha Session, a hoppy session ale, will be showing up in bottles. Read the details on how this session beer gets all it’s flavor. Cheers!
Alpha– (n) 1. primary 2. First word in Alpha Acid, a bittering compound abundant in West Coast hops.
Session– (n) 1. A period of time. 2. First word in Session Ale, a refreshing, flavorful, & low-alcohol brew. Traditionally English-style Bitter ales.
Drake’s Alpha Session– (n) Our bright and hoppy session ale. Light and refreshing with 2-row barley, Marris Otter, and a touch of C-45 malts, but hopped up with classic West Coast hops and an ample dry-hop of Simcoe, Citra, and CTZ for intense flavors and aromas of pine, citrus, and grapefruit. We call it a NorCal Bitter. Synonym: Happiness
Each time we have brewed a one-off batch of our extra hoppy and low-ABV, Alpha Session, we’re pretty sure we finish off a good chunk of the batch ourselves, and the rest seems to fly out the door before we’ve even had enough. So, this year, we wanted to share this brewery favorite with the world in a full seasonal release.
Coming mid-May, as the weather heats up, our biggest batch of Alpha Session yet will be available in 22oz bottles and on draft for you to sip and savor a pint… or three.
April 14, 2012 @ 1:06 pm
I agree wholeheartedly. I’ve been waiting for brewers to start putting out hoppy great tasting session beers, but bombers totally miss the point. So screwy.
April 5, 2012 @ 11:12 am
Session beers do not belong in Bombers, especially considering Drake’s has a perfectly good 6 pack bottling line.
I won’t be buying it unless its $2.99 a bomber or less.