Details on The Bruery and Cigar City Collaboration: Marrón Acidifié
In 2008, The Bruery of Orange County, California and Cigar City Brewing of Tampa, Florida were occupying their time with much of the same madness.
Patrick Rue and Joey Redner, the respective founders, were busy buying fermenters and bottling lines, figuring out health codes, zoning laws and taxation procedures and in their spare time, working on recipes for what would eventually be their first few brews.
Not even three years later, both of these breweries have risen to levels far beyond their early projections. Geographically a country apart, but following similar paths, an immediate connection was felt between The Bruery and Cigar City. Both had spent time cultivating recipes that expanded the borders of what a beer could be through the use of specialty ingredients like guava or Thai basil and using processes such as aging beers in wooden barrels to further increase the complexity and character of their product.
The brewers from each company met each other for the first time during the 2009 Great American Beer Festival while enjoying a few pints at Falling Rock Tap House and it was there that the general concept for a recipe was developed. Not long after, Wayne, Cigar City’s head brewer, flew out to Orange County to finish up the recipe and brew it along with The Bruery.
The final product: Marrón Acidifié
An Imperial Oud Bruin developed from a mutual love of classic Belgian technique blended with modern American ingenuity. Spending over a year in barrels, both bourbon and wine, has left this dark sour ale layered with notes of cranberries, tropical fruits, leather and aged balsamic vinegar, balanced by wood tannins and roasted malt.
Raise a glass and toast to the success of fledging breweries across this great nation!
ABV: 8.5%, IBU: 15, SRM: 20, Schizzles: 6,
Release: All Bruery Distributed Regions, Spring 2011